Sin título es una performance que realizamos con lx artista, H, durante la exposición "SENSE CENSURA".

Esta exposición tuvo la durada de 4 días en la sala de exposiciones de la Escuela Superior de Arte de Vic.
La organizamos (y montamos) desde la Asociación de alumnxs de la escuela, para hablar precisamente de la censura y nuestras interpretaciones, propias pero también la censura colectiva, y la auto-censura.

Esta performance hablaba precisamente de esta censura auto-impuesta o dada desde fuera, también hablamos de las heridas que a veces esto puede tener (aquí lo representamos de manera física).

Todas las fotografías son del fotógrafo y músico Andreu Ribas. No se pueden copiar, descargar, ni distribuir.
Untitled was a performance, made together with the artist H, during the exhibition called "SENSE CENSURA".

This exhibition lasted 4 days in the exhibition hall of the Superior School of Art of Vic.
The organization was made by the Association of Students and the main theme of the showcase was censorship both from a personal and collective perspectives. Furthermore, most of the works also focused on self-censorship.

What we really wanted to show with this performance was the consequences of both self-imposed and collective censorship. Often these can lead to experiencing pain, so that is why we represented it in a physical way using blades.

All photographs were taken by the photographer and musician Andreu Ribas. They cannot be copied, downloaded, or distributed.