Couldina y Fluimucil es un mini diario en forma de vídeo. Eran unas semanas en las que nos queríamos ir de el piso compartido que estábamos y dejar los trabajos en restaurantes que ambas cosas nos estaban agotando física y emocionalmente. También estábamos en la odisea de buscar otro piso en el que vivir, y a todo esto teníamos un resfrío enorme y precisamente tomábamos estos dos medicamentos "Couldina y Fluimucil".
Dicen que el cuerpo saca las cosas que hacen sentir mal a unx, creemos que ese resfrío no era casual.

El vídeo está en español y sin subtítulos.

Couldina and Fluimucil is a mini diary in video form. It was a few weeks in which we wanted to leave the shared apartment that we were in and leave the jobs in restaurants that both were exhausting us physically and emotionally. We were also on the odyssey of looking for another flat to live in, and all of this we had a huge cold and we were taking these two medications "Couldina and Fluimucil".
They say that the body removes the things that make you feel bad, we believe that that cold was not accidental.

This video is in spanish
and without subtitles